Thursday, 18 December 2014

triple j Hottest 100

I swear it was only about a month ago that I was writing up my nominations for 2013's hottest 100. To think that I found last year's choices difficult...this year was excruciating.
I find this you pick your favourite song by the artist? Or do you pick their most popular song therefore increasing their chance of winning?'s a difficult decision. This year my plan of attack was to simply pick my favourite song by each artist...songs that were important to me throughout this year pretty much.
I spent a couple of hours with Will going through the nominations and by the time I had picked my favourite song by each of my favourite artists I had nominated 50 songs. Narrowing them down to my top 10 was almost impossible. I gave up 4 times. Then I had to go through the whole journey again as Will did his nominations. But we did it, and here they are for your pleasure at your leisure:

I actually found great sadness in narrowing down my long list of nominations to my top 10...because of this, I want to mention the artists that I really am hoping whole heartedly to see in the Hottest 100 despite not receiving my vote:

Saskwatch - Born To Break Your Heart
King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard - Hot Wax (luckily Will included this is his top 10)
Delta Riggs - Gooey (Like A Version)
Broods - Mother and Father
Childish Gambino featuring Chance The Rapper - The Worst Guys
Kasabian - Eez-Eh (Again, Will including this gem)
Every other Sticky Fingers song that was nominated...a part of my nearly wanted to nominate everyone of their songs, but I pushed through the temptation and picked my favourite.

So, if you haven't already, it's your turn! I've left the link below. Honestly, get yourself a'll need it, this is stressful and if you're like me it will cause you to make the biggest decisions you have all month.

- Stella xx


Images from:!artists-bootleg-rascal/cy9l

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Steroid filled Stereo

I really try to not making any harsh judgements on things without having experienced them myself or having enough really great evidence in my favour. So honestly, I have attempted for long enough to give Stereosonic a chance. Don't get me wrong, never have I once even contemplated thinking about wanting to attend the festival...I just thought I wouldn't completely discourage it as I never have (and hopefully never will) experienced it personally.

Stereosonic is a music festival pretty much known purely for having a lot of DJ's, shirtless steroid filled, fake tanned, dyed and gelled haired men in wife beater singlets shirtless...they are all shirtless. Exhibit A:

There could be the same photo twice there...sorry if there is, I just couldn't tell BECAUSE THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME ANYWAY, and I can't look at them for long enough to notice because I feel like I'm getting all their bleach, and tanner, and chemical enhancers in my eyes purely by looking at the photos.

Anyway, there's a bit of an uproar at the moment because of the violence that has occurred at the festival's Sydney event. Men are swinging punches and going crazy, showing off their overly high testosterone levels by acting like complete and total imbeciles in public.

So to be honest, as hard as I am ripping on this festival, I do understand there are fights everywhere. Although I will point out that this particular fight left a man unconscious and yet it's said the fight has not yet been reported to officials, and it is unknown whether the man suffered any serious injury.
That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard...but the question is what can be done to avoid this sort of thing? Is it going to come down to even tighter drinking and drug restrictions? Or will it be more severe consequences for those acting disorderly?

But with that all in's the link to their website, buy a ticket, get a tan, bleach your hair, steroid it up, burn all your shirts. It will be fun:

Monday, 1 December 2014

Winterbourne - Our Love's A Lie

I wrote this is 20 minutes, so don't judge me too harshly. I logged off social media 2 hours ago, telling people I was going to bed. I thought I was going to bed. But then I started watching some shitty TV show. There was something one of the characters said that wasn't a very significant line but for some reason it stuck with me. I'm going to be a bitch here and not tell you what the line was, I don't know why...perhaps so I am keeping at least some of this to myself.

I hate showing negative emotion. I don't like people knowing that I am sad. I want to look strong and I enjoy putting up a facade that I am unaffected and too strong in who I am to let others wear me down.
But sometimes that is not the case. I have distracted myself over months of emotional torture and persuaded myself that I am fine. I am fine. It's not a facade this time round, I am okay. There are people in my life who have made me okay again. But tonight has been rough, for no apparent reason.

I feel like it would be stupid to waste this emotion when I could put the energy into writing. I was going to write about Selena Gomez's live performance of 'Heart Wants What It Wants' at the AMA's. Not because it affected me at all, because I'm not going to didn't. I'm not a fan of Selena Gomez at all, but I was just going to talk about how much I respect her for performing such an emotional song for such a wide audience, especially after all she went through to create that song (breakup. Justin. Sad. Heartbreak. :( boys suck).

So I started talking someone who I knew could make me happy and distract me from being sad, and I listened to Winterbourne's 'Our Love's A Lie' whilst doing so. From the first time I heard this song it really made an impact on me. And this song seems to keep popping up, which I think is less of a coincidence, and more of a sign. I think it is apparent when listening that the lyrics come from a deep emotional place in the songwriters past. The boys do an amazing job at connecting with an audience of people who may have experienced the themes that prevail in the song.

It has a really fun, uplifting, festival vibe to it which I find super interesting because it contradicts the lyrics almost completely. I love when songs do this. Because it is almost like the emotion itself...melancholy.
The song is all about a great love that falls apart and is questioned. Now, yeah, ugh, super depressing, love sucks, but if you have experienced something similar you will be able to agree that much like the contradiction of the happy sound to sad lyrics...the experience of lost love shares a similar contradiction. All the experiences whilst being in love were happy and made you and the significant other happy...but the fact that it all fell apart can cause you to feel unbearably sad. For a long time as suggested by the lyric "pull me from this never ending sadness".
Despite this, and despite my relation with this doesn't make me sad. I think mainly because I connected it to a time when I was instead of focussing on the lyrics, I focus on what it reminds me of, which is smoked salmon, stolen cups and lost car keys.

Now this is has all been super depressing and I apologise so much for that. But do you want to know what's even more sad...the fact that Winterbourne are playing at a local venue in a couple of weeks BUT IT'S AN OVER 18 SHOW. "Our Love's A Lie" and my life's a joke.

- Stella xx

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Robbers - The 1975

I have recently began listening to The 1975 again. For some reason I get the vibe that listening to The 1975 is a little lame? Is it? I just really like them. I think they are really different from a lot of other music that's around. Plus they seem very honest in their writing and production - they aren't trying to be anyone else, nor are they hiding who they are. 

Anyway, I realise it came out a long while ago...actually, exactly 6 months ago today...but their film clip for Robbers might be my favourite film clip ever.
That's a bold statement but this film clip is so well done. Very completed.

This film clip intrigues me, I was going to say it's like a little movie but I don't think it is, it's like a snippet of a life. It's like reading someone's diary, or reading letters that you found in your grandmother's attic from 40 years ago.
For me at least, this film clip offers me something new each time I watch it. I have loved the song since the album came out, but the film clip was what really grabbed my attention.

I really appreciate that the whole situation in the film clip is not glamourised. The portrayal of the story remains realistic. Although it's definitely helped by the production, setting, music and directing of the clip, I think the acting had a major effect on the realistic portrayal. The girl in the clip expresses very fitting and relatable emotions through her gestures and expressions, which even though the majority of the audience will not have shared many similar experiences with the character, makes her relatable and intriguing to watch. The perfectly un-glamourised portrayal is also evident towards the end when they are shown throwing the money's hard to tell whether that even happened, or whether it was what they imagined happening when it all crumbled.

In an interview, lead singer Matthew Healy explained the inspiration behind the clip, saying that the song Robbers is a love song inspired originally from the film True Romance. True Romance tells the story of an Elvis obsessed loner who falls deeply in love with a prostitute. (Spoiler alert) In the film the couple kill her pimp, stealing his drugs and running away to California to start a new life. Upon interview, Matthew Healy told why he was inspired by the film: "It’s the sentiment behind the film that appeals to me, the hopelessly romantic notion that two people can meet and instantly fall in love, an escape story where love is the highest law and conquers all against the odds. Characters like Bonnie and Clyde always appealed to me as a teenager — couples so intoxicated with one another that they fear nothing in the pursuit of the realisation of each other, actions fuelled by blind unconditional love. Robbers is an ode to those relationships. The type of relationship all humans long for. All or nothing." (1975, 2014)

I haven't seen True Romance, but my love for this film clip and for how passionate Healy is about the inspiration makes me really want to. I love this film clip. I have nothing else to say other than I love it. I have watched it far too many times now, and after writing this, chances are I will watch it a couple more times.

- Stella xxx

1975, T. (2014). The 1975 – Robbers. [online] Genius. Available at: [Accessed 27 Oct. 2014].

Month of explanation.

Okay, so I have been really pissing myself off with the fact that I haven't written a blog post since the Allday interview. Which was an entire month ago. I really needed to keep that momentum going, and I just really didn't. The last month has really taken it out of me. 
I want to be personal with this blog, because that's what draws me to other blogs. But at the same time, I really don't want to seem to melodramatic. So I'll keep this fairly 'light' hey?

This time 1 month ago, I didn't suspect a thing, everything was normal, and I thought I was content, so the change of the last month has been a really bizarre one for me to wrap my head around. My life has subtly, but surely changed entirely.

I came out of a really serious relationship, which I guess was the main factor into everything spiralling out of control. I had holidays so I was able to distract myself, and focus a lot more on other things, including this blog (organising exciting - for me at least - things coming soon), but then I had to return to school. It's our last term ever, so I guess everyone is a bit antsy and bitchy. Going back to school was difficult mainly because it was a quick snap back to reality...I couldn't hide myself from my emotions like I had over holidays because I had to face certain people everyday.

I don't like to mention this because I find it a little bit tedious how much it's spoken about (don't get me wrong, it's a serious issue, but I feel like my suffering of it is hardly anything compared to what other people deal with, so I shouldn't complain...) but I think it might be stress induced anxiety. I get really really tense. And usually I can relieve this tension by just taking some time out, writing, listening to music, anything. But last week it all got a bit too tense and was fairly overwhelming, and I just felt very very very lonely because of it. And unfortunately, I didn't put my emotions or energy into writing when I really should have been.

It was a really shit period of time. But things started looking up, the whole situation really opened my eyes to who and what was really important in my life, and I managed to come across new people, new experiences and new distractions. Although I do realise I am repressing my emotions a little bit, I think moving forward is the best thing for me to do for myself. I have to put myself first for a little while, and this is how I'm doing it.

I contemplated not putting this up, because it is pretty lame. But I don't think it is reasonable for me to disappear from this blog for a month without an explanation. 

So enough of this bullshit, I'm going to start writing. 

- Stella xxx

Friday, 26 September 2014

Interview: Allday

I am graduating high school in about 6 weeks (?) I think...I could figure that out for you properly, but it's hardly important. All you need to know is that I am about to (finally, thank God) finish high school.

The thought of this excites me beyond belief because high school is like an island that is only okay when the atmosphere is right, and I don't think about it too much. But the majority of the time we are all just trapped knowing that we can't escape until the boat is ready to come take us away into the real world. Thankfully, that boat is super close.

To tell the truth I am a little bit stressed about graduating. I've always had this really clear image in my head of what my life is going to be like, and it has just hit me that there is a good chance it might not turn out that way. A lot of people I have spoken to tell me that I'll be fine, and as long as I work hard it will all work in my favour. But I can't help but think that people are telling me this purely because they care about me, because they are my family and friends, therefore obligated to sugarcoat it all for my emotional benefit.

Stresses about the future and stresses about success are higher when graduating I guess, with every teacher telling us to get our life sorted and to know what we want to do (many scoffing at my hope of a career in online journalism, telling me that a blog is a risky, and unlikely future...) but I know for sure that these worries can impact people at many stages of life.

In my mind, Australian musician, Allday is succeeding. Currently in New York to meet with major record labels, he seems to have it all sorted. So I found it extremely interesting and beneficial when I was able to spend some online time with him to speak about his thoughts on the whole 'success' matter:

What’s your idea of success? Do you feel like you have succeeded? My idea of success is being the person you want to be, Setting goals and hitting them. I've hit a bunch of my targets, but I'm not at my overall career or personal goals yet. What’s your biggest fear? Probably myself; my own laziness, or fear, or whatever, taking over and leading me in the wrong direction. You manage to have such a good relationship with your audience/fans, is this important to you? Why? Hugely important. I really value the fact that people care enough to keep listening or coming to shows, and I really do my best to show that to them. I'm really lucky to have such a good relationship with my supporters and I feel like we have a little love connection. What’s the most important thing you have learnt since joining the music industry? I've learned so much, but the most important lesson I've learned is to be a perfectionist. Who do you admire? David Bowie and Bob Dylan, Those are two people who have reinvented themselves and maintained relevance and respect across every generation. Finally, tea or coffee? Coffee is my vice, but I do love green tea.

Although I wouldn't wish worries and stresses on other people, there is something comforting about being able to speak with someone I respect a lot, and know that they feel similar emotions to me. The things Allday said in the interview really resonated with me, knowing that even he, with all his current success, still had goals he wants to reach and worries of not reaching them. I guess all I'm trying to say is the classic 'you're not alone' shit, but even though it's clichéd and's true, we aren't alone.

Big big thanks to Allday for spending the time with me on this interview, and best of luck to him in the States.

- Stella xxx

Monday, 22 September 2014

Can I call a post 'Untitled'?

Disclaimer: This isn't interesting and upbeat, it has taken me 3 minutes and 26 seconds to write. I just needed to get this out, and my diary isn't enough anymore.

I wrote a really shitty blog post last night. I was going to publish it anyway, and perhaps I will sometime, but not right now.

It basically was talking about how I'm feeling at the moment. I'm not going to get too personal, but all you have to know is that the one thing in my life that I loved the most 3 days ago is slipping through my fingers. As I watch this happen, and forget to cup my hands to stop it from disappearing, I have been listening to this:

Sorry this is different from usual and perhaps sounds a bit melodramatic. I will be back in (normal upbeat) action soon. 
- Stella xxx

Monday, 15 September 2014

Belated Valley Fiesta

I really do apologise for how late this blog post is. Valley Fiesta was a good 3 and a half weeks ago, but I held off the post for a little while because I had an exciting collaboration that was going to be part of it. Unfortunately this all fell through pretty last minute :--( so you're stuck with just me reminiscing on the event. Which hopefully isn't that bad.

So Valley Fiesta is a free annual event that takes place in Fortitude Valley, Brisbane, Australia. As I only live 1 hour away from Brisbane, this was reasonably local and easy to attend. It was coincidentally on the date of my boyfriend, Harrison's birthday, so a bunch of my friends and I rented a couple of rooms at The Miro Apartments. I very highly recommend these apartments if you are looking for an affordable stay in the centre of Fortitude Valley. I don't want my words to be misinterpreted there, although these apartments were affordable, they were in no way dingy or scary, to tell the truth, they were one of the nicest apartments I have ever stayed in. I really really enjoyed our time there.

Our apartments were just around the corner from the main stage, perhaps a 300 metre walk which was brilliant as it meant we could go back to the apartment between acts.

Map of fiesta. Very exact.

Before any of the acts we wanted to see came on we went and ate lunch at this really shmancy Japanese restaurant which was expensive but super lovely. I'm sorry I cannot remember the name of it, nor where abouts it was....brilliant blogging skills.

Later on we all went and watched The Creases play which was brilliant. They had a pretty relaxed yet fun crowd and the guys performed amazingly. After their set ended I went off with a couple of my friends to this restaurant bar, where, after perhaps 15 minutes another of my friends bounded in excitedly with a photo of her and the guys from The Creases >:---( I, like many, was extremely jealous.

I then listened to The Preatures play their set from the New York Pizza directly next door (aka #1 pizzeria on map). As usual, The Preatures killed it. They were amazing live and had the entire audience in awe and in fits of excitement.

I'm not going to lie, I did watch a few songs of the amazing Dan Sultan, but I don't remember what time of the night it was. I do, however, remember that he had a really unique stage present that really captured the audience. I would really love to see Dan Sultan live in a gig of his own, so I might keep my eyes out for that.

After a quick stop back at the apartment we all made it back to the main stage in time to see Allday perform. Allday (my long lost twin) was the main act that I wanted to see, and he really lived up to my expectations. He had a brilliant on stage persona, and seems very natural and comfortable in front of the audience.
After his performance was over I was impressed to see him stand out the back of the stage an meet fan after fan, not only taking photos but also stopping and having a genuine conversation with them. Very impressive. He was lovely in person, super down to earth and didn't come across as cocky or anything.

I think a few of my friends wanted to kill me when Allday followed me on Instagram and Twitter as we are all big fans. But after seeing him perform live, meeting him, and chatting a bit on twitter, I can tell you first hand that he is a lovely, down to earth, talented musician. Obviously I do not know him well, and I am not claiming to, I am just saying that from my minuscule experience, he appeared to be a really genuine guy and talent.

All in all, Valley Fiesta was a messy, exciting, tiresome, pizza filled, blast. My friends and I had a brilliant time, and I highly recommend that if you are in the area you tag along as it's a brilliant, cheap way to watch some amazing live acts.

- Stella xxx

Originals Festival

So a couple of days ago was the Originals Festival in Noosa. I turned up at about mid-afternoon in time to see The Delta Riggs.
Honestly, when I got there it was a bit confusing. There was an 18+ only section (which had all the good food venues in it...) and walking in, it looked like only 18+ would be able to see the main stage. Thankfully this wasn't the case. Phew.

My friends and I went and saw The Delta Riggs, it was pretty chill. There was a mosh at the stage, but then a lot of people were just sitting on the grass a bit further away (this is what I did as I ate pizza). I was extremely excited to hear The Delta Riggs guys play their cover of Gooey by Glass Animals, which you can listen to through Triple J here:

I met these guys a bit later in the evening and cannot praise them enough. They were out in the crowd listening to the other bands, taking photos with fans, chatting to people, and just being super lovely. I really really cannot talk them up enough, they are brilliant guys. 

The two main bands I wanted to see play were The Delta Riggs and Sticky Fingers. I had a lot of time between these two acts so I just caught up with some friends and hung out for a couple of hours. I'm going to be honest, it was pretty boring. My boyfriend disappeared off with some of our friends into the 18+ area which meant I didn't spend much time with them, which was actually alright because I caught up with some other friends who I don't hang out with as often. Unfortunately there was not a lot to do as it was a small festival and therefore didn't have many stalls or anything to look at. 

As I sat there just doing not much at all, I couldn't help but notice that everyone there was super young, and seemed to all know each other, and all seemed scarily familiar. I guess that's what you get at a pretty local festival. Although I couldn't really expect anything different, it was kind of annoying, because that's what I love about festivals, meeting new people, and seeing people connect purely through the music and bands playing. But on the other hand, it was still nice to see familiar people from around this part of the world having a good time. 

Kingswood played which was rad, but to tell the truth I really do not know much of their music, I still very much enjoyed experiencing them live as they had a really fun crowd. I really enjoyed myself. 

Their stage was directly next to where Sticky Fingers were going to be playing, so I made my way through the bitchy crowd of elbows who must have thought I was pushing my way to the front, despite my obvious sideways movement. 
I managed to place myself reasonably close to the Sticky Fingers stage (perhaps about 3 rows from the front), right behind the 4 tallest men on earth. No joke, they were extremely tall, and they knew it, one of them let me in front of him, bless. When the Sticky Fingers guys came on stage to prepare their set, the crowd went off, and the section I was in became amazingly squished. It was at this point that the friends I was with decided to move to the back. The back is 100% not where I wanted to be, so I told them I would meet them after. Bold move by Stella.

Sticky Fingers began playing their set, and although I have seen them perform a couple of times already, I continue to be blown away by their performance, and their on stage aura. 
I experienced lots of crowd surfing by audience members, one of which kicked me in the face, another one of which's arse landed on my face. It was delightful. The girl in front of me got super super mad at him and swore, thinking I was hurt or something, perhaps emotionally...I mean, thank you kind stranger, but really...I don't care at all, it's part of the fun, lets all just listen to Sticky hey?

I'll tell you what, the man next to me was bold to think bringing a glass bong into the mosh was a good idea. I'll let your imagination figure out how that all ended, because honestly I have no fucking clue.

Lot's of alcohol, lots of elbows in my face, lots of sweaty people, lots of sleazy men, lots of beards, and lots of head-banging, sleezy, drunk men whose sweat flicked off their beard onto my face. At one point there was a tug on my hair which I expected to be the not so unusual 'hair stuck in someones armpit' situation, but this time a guy had gathered all my hair and put it into his mouth. Grinning, he hugged me like I was his long lost niece.  

I feel like it really sounds like I didn't have a good time. To tell the truth, that is my idea of a blast. There was something nice about being 'alone' in the mosh pit. By 'alone' I obviously don't mean the only person in the crowd (oh God, I would love to be the only person at a Sticky Fingers gig...actually, nah, might get a bit awkward, who would you look at? Would you dance? Would you have to make weird eye contact with Dylan?) ...I just mean I didn't have any friends with me. Unless you count bumping into this Year 9 kid from my school and wondering how he got so drunk as 'being with my friends'.

I had a great night, it was a super chill festival all in all, with a crazy mosh pit and amazing live acts. I would highly recommend this small local festival in future years, especially if you love live music but cannot handle the anxiety of a huge festival.

- Stella xxx

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Ghost - Ella Henderson

Okay, I'm not really a huge 'pop' music fan (by pop music, I mean the generic radio music). Although I was up late finishing an art piece for school the other night and this midnight music show came on that just played lots of pop film clips. Amongst the One Direction, and 5 Seconds of Summer I found a gold mine.

"Ghost" by Ella Henderson. (Yes, I realise I am extremely late to the discovery of this song also).

I have heard this song playing at work a few times but I had never taken the time to listen to the lyrics. It's brilliant. I wish I wrote it. I really do. It's eery and haunting, yet catchy and quite fun. I really do love this song.

I will admit that it is definitely not my usual style of music, but I really think the lyrics just captured me. It was written by Ella Henderson, Kenan Williams, Noel Zancanella, Ryan Tedder (the guy from One Republic....once you know that you can really hear his input, in my opinion) and Michael Daley (who I am guessing is not the Australian politician, despite Wikipedias insistence).

The film clip is also really cool. I find it irritatingly interesting. Irritating in the way that I want to know more, I want to know the story of what's happening; follow it, follow the characters. I want to know more!

I don't know, there's an annoying part of me that screams "this isn't my usual taste, stop liking generic pop music, you're 'cooler' than this". But fuck that inner thought. This isn't generic pop music, this is brilliant, and I like it a hell of a lot.

So I'll shut up, listen for yourselves.

Monday, 8 September 2014

Simone's unseen Battle

It is in great sadness and deep condolences that I write this post.

The theme of this is unlike anything I have written here so far, and I really wish the circumstances leading to this did not happen at all.

Honestly speaking, I have not listened to much of GRL as they differ from my usual taste, but I highly acknowledge their talent and respect how far they have come. Despite not having much to do with this band and not having much knowledge of their music, I, like many others, have been truly rocked by the loss of dearest Simone Battle.

To tell the truth, I am surprised by how much this loss has shaken me. I mean, I did not know the band or their music well before hearing the news, but the situation came with great great sadness to me and I have not been able to shake the thought from my mind; we have lost a true talent.

I really don't have much to say in regards to the loss because I do not believe it is my place to give details. It was unrecognisable that Simone was dealing with anything that might have caused the tragic departure, and perhaps this is yet another factor adding to the shock. I think the GRL girls summed up all of our emotions perfectly on instgram;

source: @grlnatasha official instagram
source: @GRL official instagram
source: @grlnatasha official instagram
You were a talented, beautiful and inspiring woman who left far before your time. All my best wishes go to her family, friends, and the lovely GRL girls during this time.

Love and best wishes always,
- Stella xxx

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Stress less

I'm sorry I haven't written in a whole month. I think school and organising what's going to happen after I graduate has all just gotten a bit on top of me.

It's exam time at school at the moment which means everyone is either having an anxiety attack or in tears or just fighting with each other, so in order to de-stress and just take a time out, I have compiled a playlist of songs that are getting me through this shitty time of year:

These are just a few of the songs I have been listening to recently to try and calm myself down from the unnecessary, and ridiculous pressures of Year 12. I highly recommend playing them with the lights out...there's something really calming about hearing them in the dark.

- Stella Grace xxx

Monday, 4 August 2014

Splendour in the Grass 2014

Holy hell. It's quite possible that I had one of the best weekends of my life at Splendour in the Grass this year. I'm still pretty bitter about being poor and only being able to attend for the Sunday. (Yes I missed Childish Gambino, the boys Sticky Fingers, City and Colour, The 1975 and every other amazing artist, I don't want to talk about it).
But, despite seeming slightly acidic about the experience, I am far from. Sunday's set was OUT OF THIS WORLD. I was able to see some astonishingly fabulous acts such as Lily Allen, Grouplove, Danny Brown, Foster the People,  Nina Las Vegas, Phantogram, Mikhael Paskalev and a good few more.

oh sweet sweet candy
I think what genuinely benefited the experience a lot, was that I was technology free. Yes I had my phone in my pocket in case I got abducted by aliens, or ran off on a romantic venture with Mikhael Paskalev and had to let someone know. But I did not use it to take any photos or videos throughout the day. This is pretty unlike me, usually I take photos for this blog, or videos for Twitter or Instagram. But as I had my film camera to take photos, I did not use my phone for this purpose once. I know that might seem hard for a lot of people, but I really recommend it. It gives you the chance to really absorb everything and take notice of a lot of things you would simply miss if you were looking at your screen. Like perhaps, this:

(Sorry to the lovely lady that was with walking with Diz (Sticky Fingers), it must be fucking annoying when people like us ask for a piccy. We were not in a great mindset by this point in the night)
Mikhael Paskalev was the main reason I chose to go Sunday. I really cherish his music and I was stunned by his live performance. He was the first act we all saw and was an amazing open to our day. He really gheed up the crowd, and being front row, I felt like we were the only ones there. That was dreadfully cliched (my music teacher called me that today...) but honestly, if you get the chance to see him perform live...DO IT! One of the best live performances I have ever experienced. Very personal, bubbly, and soulful. FAB.

Nina Las Vegas was a thrill. Although she is not my usual style, she did really kill it and had an amazing vibe going on. She got everyone super hyped up for Danny Brown who was on next.

I only was able to see the very start of Danny Brown. Although it was truly rocking...the mosh pit was more of an anxiety attack than a mosh, and there is only so long that a man with dreadlocks can dance infront of you before a dreadlock hits you in the order to avoid that I was outta there and headed straight for Foster the People.
I have been a big fan of Foster's most recent album, and I was thankful that they played all of my favourites off it. They were one of the chillest, yet entertaining and enthralling live acts I have ever witnessed. Foster the People always blow my tiny little mind with their lyrics and execution of songs. Honestly, just unbelievable talent from those guys.

I do not recall if Grouplove was before or after Foster, but it was at this stage that I had a bit of a break. I regretted it, as the mosh for Grouplove looked killer. But sitting on the hill, listening and watching the hideously huge police horse was enough wonder for that moment. (Huge horses, like, nah, HUGE).

Although none of the guys we were with were really vibing on seeing Lily Allen, a few of us made sure we were there for her set, which finished the night. Thank God we were there. Bless Lily Allen. I cannot decide whether I want her to be my mum, so I can get killer advice and be really self confident, or whether I want her as a lover. She was stunning, vocally beautiful, and hot as hell.
She had the whole crowd involved. We were not in the mosh for this set as we found a lovely grass patch to dance at. Most of the memories from this time are a blur of friends greening it, men in latex, and pointing out police officers as Lily sang about URL badmen.
Lily Allen played all the old goodies, such as Fuck You, and ofcourse Not Fair. She really put the night out with a bang.

Over all, that Sunday was good food (really good food, holy hell), amazing music, great company and a really lovely atmosphere. I cannot recommend Splendour in the Grass more. (Police were very casual might I add, bless 'em).

If you aren't up for camping there, I highly recommend you try out what we did. Some friends and I rented this weird house/apartment thing near the Splendour site. It was superb, hot water, a fridge, a bed! What more can one ask for. Staying here allowed us to meet some real gems on the bus ride to the festival and home, but also allowed us to visit some really nice local beaches over the weekend. The local Woolies saved our lives with a mean lasagna also.


I really hope to catch up with you all there next year. You wont regret coming, I promise you will have the time of your life. 

- Stella Grace xxx

Friday, 11 July 2014

Robin Thicke - 'Paula'

After his ever so scandalous song (featuring stunning naked ladiiiesss in it's film clip) "Blurred Lines", Robin Thicke became the talk of the town...and by 'town' I mean world. Due to this, I think is was just assumed that the release of his latest album; Paula, self-described as a 'declaration of love' to win his EX (yikes) wife Paula Patton back, would shoot him right back up there to top of the charts.

Paula Patton and Robin Thicke looking fresh
Well, if this was an album created to 'woo' Paula back over...I'm sorry, but there's a good (almost 100%) chance that it may have done the opposite. God bless ya Thickey, but you sold less than 54 copies of your album 'Paula' here in Australia. Without rubbing it in, it failed to reach the ARIA top 500 in its debut week...


I'm being a bitch, let's not get nasty...maybe us Aussie's just didn't give it the chance it deserved. Ehh, then again, maybe we did...and it was just the lyrics such as "Should've waited patient, thanked ya, spanked ya" as well as "Every time you walked through that door, I shoulda bought white roses, good and plenty, and rubbed your toesies" scared us off. Honestly. That's really creepy. Hopefully his ex-wife was really turned on by stalk-ish creepy men, otherwise she might be running fast in the other direction like a lot of us listeners.

"I shoulda bought white roses, good and plenty, and rubbed your toesies"
Damn, forgot the roses.

I'm sorry Robin Thicke, you do have lovely, tiny ears, you resemble The Cat in the Hat like no one else, and yeah good job grinding on Miley, but perhaps your spotlight's blown its bulb...

- Stella Grace xx


Images from:

Thursday, 10 July 2014

G in the Park - The 1975

Today at work I served a young, cool, groovy looking couple. The girl was wearing a khaki coloured windbreaker, and her boyfriend had a nose piercing, and a ponytail. They paid with $50, and I was getting them their $19.75 change. As I gave them their change I said "there's your nineteen seventy-five change," and I just looked at, with a real keen look in my telepathically saying "you're cool, acknowledge that not only are you getting an annoying amount of coins as change, but your change is also the name of an amazing band...acknowledge it." To my bitter disappointment, he just looked confused as to why I was being so peculiar, took the money and left.

Coincidentally, BBC Radio 1 released The 1975's G in the Park set recently. So, my night so far has consisted of the pleasure of sitting in bed with Olive (my dog) next to me, and listening to this astonishing live acoustic set. I found myself distracted by the fire burning behind the audience, because it looked purple, and all (...most) of the audience members clothes are really nice, as well as Matthew Healy's (lead singer's) hair, it's so healthy.
Anyway, have you heard it? If not, you're sooo welcome:

I remember when I thought I was the first person to hear that song, and it was like 'my thing', and then I realised that they are loved by thousands around the world, and I'm not that unique. But they are, unique I mean, honestly, this is such lovely, raw, non-cliched art.

The 1975's acoustic version of 'Sex' (the song...obviously...) is one of my favourite things in the world of music. I find it a lot more emotional than the original...I just really love it. This is it here:

If you aren't doing so already, I would really love to draw your attention to the guitar playing of these lovely lads. Focus on it. It's heaven. HEAVEN. These guys are real musicians...real artists. 

The 1975 are playing at Splendour in the Grass in a couple of weeks, but unfortunately, they are not playing on the day I am attending :----(
I have heard that they are amazing live, and very friendly in the way that they walk around the festivals and chat to fans and just be genuine people. I really appreciate that. Like, good on them. That is a really respectful thing for artists to do in my opinion...really super cool.
So if you see them live, or bump into them before I do, send them my everlasting love and support. 

- Stella Grace xx

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Interview : Bootleg Rascal

Although I do not intend to compare them, because Bootleg Rascal are a band of their own, and a marvellous one at that…if you’re a fan of Sticky Fingers, you will love Bootleg Rascal.

Bootleg Rascal are a four piece band from Sydney and the Gold Coast of Australia. They consider themselves a “bunch of normal lads taking influences from Broken Bells, Citizen Cope, and Gorillaz”. After speaking to Jack Gray, who plays percussion for the band over the last week or so, I can honestly affirm that Bootleg Rascal are a bunch of fun-loving, approachable, and highly talented guys.

I had the delight of being able to conduct an interview with lead singer Carlos Lara, and drummer Jack Gray this past week, and I can’t thank them enough for taking the time to speak with me.

Stella: Hey guys, first off, how did you guys all meet?
Jack: I met Jimmy in a small dimly lit strip club in kings X, Scott worked as the head chef at Jimmy's local chinese takeaway joint and we met Carlos while travelling through a small town named Bogota in Columbia working as a drug mule. We thought we should start a band.
Carlos: I first met Neal (the manager) at Uni (as a lecturer) and then he introduced me to the rest of the fellas. Dan, the guy before me wanted to do other things. So I was bought in after him. It was a bit daunting having to replace the frontman of a band and then having to create relationships with three randomly-beautiful people really fast. But I met the guys and got along heaps well.

Stella: How long have you been doing music?
Carlos: I've been connected to music almost all my life. Whether singing throughout high school, studying music at uni and performing at showcases. Although there was a good three years before Bootleg Rascal where I wasn't really singing or performing, but I was studying music business. So I was still connected in that sense. 
Jack: Collectively we have been doing music for just over a year, she's a nice girl however we've been reluctant to go from the no strings attached set-up we've currently got, to something a little more official. 

Stella: Have you always wanted music to be your career? Was it difficult starting up and becoming known as a band?
Carlos: I guess even though there were other distractions and different aspirations throughout my life, the whole time in the back of my head music and performing was what the big dream was. I came into the band when it was just starting to break out and people were starting to take notice so I guess I missed that whole developmental part and struggle. But I'm sure it will come back around at some point for me.
Jack: We have never really seen it as a career, but since we started Bootleg we haven't stopped touring and making music. And we don't plan on stopping.

Stella: What’s your advice for young artists attempting to make it into the music industry?
Jack: We're still trying to figure that one out for ourselves.
Carlos: Sounds cliché, but give it your all. Don't wait for it to come to you. Do everything you can to be a part of it. Go to gigs, meet random people. If you want to study music then do it, if not then don't. But you actually don't need a piece of paper to tell you your a musician, and you shouldn't let anyone else convince you other wise. Music and performing definitely comes from emotion, and that's what music should be... an expression of your emotion. 


Stella: I have a very musically talented friend who says he doesn’t want to do music professionally in case his passion begins to feel like a job. Does creating music ever begin to feel like a job for you? Do you think there’s any way for that feeling to be prevented?
Jack: No, if you’re passionate and enjoy what you do, you'll never have to work a day in your life.
Carlos: Yeah for sure. I mean, some times it does when your under pressure to write a song or a few. But never on tour... when your on tour it feels like your in another dimension. For me, I always remind myself that I'm doing what I love and that's enough to get me through the tough times. When it does start to feel like a job it’s almost like a relationship... you put up with the good and the bad and hope for awesome days in the future. And I guess it's lucky we have such a good team surrounding us, which is so important with music, our manager pushes us but never to much. He knows and understands the creative process and knows sometimes you just can't be constantly pushing or forcing it to happen. 

Stella: What is the best and the hardest part about being a band?
Carlos: I could say the parties, the girls and all the rock 'n' roll stuff. That's all fun and awesome too…don't get me wrong. But for me the best part would be just playing and touring. Sitting in a box for an average of 5-12 hours with the same four people to go and play a 45-minute set and somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Meeting the people that have come out to the gig and making sure they have a good time, and do it all again tomorrow. Doesn't sound very appealing but for the select few it's the best part. That can also be the hard bit, all the time together... shit gets weird. Sometimes there can be fights, laughs, pranks... who knows to be honest. Some random shit definitely goes down. So the part I love is also probably the hardest part. There are so many other part as well that aren't seen, the business side is a whole other interview I think.
Jack: The best part of being part of a band is that it is basically like being on a 24/7 road trip, doing what you love with your mates and Ernie Dingo and making and playing music for the people.

Stella: What was the first gig/concert each of you went to?
Jack: Scottie's, Jim's and my first gig we ever attended was funnily enough in June 2013 at the great northern, Byron Bay... It was a Bootleg show. And for Carlos his first gig was an N Sync show in the late 90's where he was performing as back-up dancer.
Carlos: To be honest the first music show was when I was like 6, Mum took me to Oliver the musical. But first proper concert was Micheal Buble...again with Mum. First band... I remember seeing Thirsty Merc and Maroon 5 (when they were actually a band and not just Adam Levine).

Stella: So, you guys recently toured with Sticky Fingers, what was that experience like? Have you got a favourite memory from the tour?
Carlos: For me it was really surreal. Before Bootleg Rascal, I managed a Sydney band and I always used to say how cool would it be supporting Sticky's. Let alone be on tour with them. It was pretty intense touring with them, but it was great going on tour with a band that I really looked up too. Favourite memory would be the van times. The random moments the Beatles sing alongs just overall good times
Jack: Yeah, we have toured with those lads on their Caress Our Soul tour and most recently on their Gold Snafu single tour. I think collectively we would have to say the best memory we have was after we played a show at a small festival in Tasmania called Party in the Paddock. Throughout the course of the night we consumed enough prescription drugs to knock out an elephant and relatives, and awoke in the morning to hear that someone had let off a fire extinguisher over the sound desk, stolen a hire van and gone drifting in the neighbouring paddock and I, myself attempted a striptease on the lads from Kingswood's camp table soon to fall through it and smash it. All in all a great night.

Stella: Did you get to meet Sticky Fingers dog, Bella…? Haha
Carlos: Haha yeah we have. 
Jack: We've hung with Bella a bit. She's a real babe. But Jim's stamp collection is cooler.

Bella looking fresh 
Stella: If you were to go on tour with any musician/s dead or alive, who would each of you choose?
Carlos: It would probably be Jim Morrison and/or Dave Grohl. 
Jack: I'd have to say George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic on their Mothership Connection tour. I feel we would get on real well.

Stella: (If any in particular) Who’s the craziest member of the band and who’s the one who keeps everyone in line?
Carlos: I think Jack's the one that everyone thinks is, but I think Scotty is the closet crazy. When that boy decides to get loose... well I don't think I should say any more. Haha. Jimmy and I are probably the more calm ones. I'm usually the one saying that's not a good idea and Jimmy just giggles away in the background.
Jack: If crazy is in the terms 'mentally unstable' I would have to say a Carlos. I came home one day to find him attempting to push new relationship barriers with my pet budgie 'Peaches'.

Stella: Hahaha. Who is the songwriter of the band, or do you take it in turns? How do you get your inspiration to write?
Carlos: It comes from different places whether it's me or Jack in our rooms, or me and Jimmy jamming... but we all bring things to the table when it comes to song writing and see what happens. Inspiration comes from lots of different things... my own experiences, stories and fantasies in my head. Or other peoples experiences and things that I have seen other people go through.
Jack: The song writing process is quite collective between us, it starts with an initial idea and grows. Also a little help comes from good times we've had over the years with our mate Dee and his friend Rugs.

Stella: Has there been any particular moment so far that made you stop and go: “yeah, we have made it”?
Jack: We played a string of shows over in WA earlier this year and one place we stayed had a complimentary fully stocked bar fridge, that was pretty cool.
Carlos: I think that moment will come when all I do is music and my rent and bills are paid and I have no debts left haha. If I could just do what I love and be able to have a comfortable life then that's when I know we've made it, but I tell ya what... playing the metro, supporting Sticky. The third song in our set. The lights flash behind me and I see the whole metro packed out in front of me, that was an incredible moment. Just made me realise that we can do this and “make it”. 

Stella: As a band, what are your aspirations for the future?
Carlos: Keep playing, keep writing, and get to a point were we don't need to be builders, bartenders or gas pumpers by day to pay the rent. 
Jack: We are currently working on a bunch of new tunes, hoping to invest in a beat-up stretch Cadillac and punch it across the US and keep touring.

So if you haven’t already, I highly recommend that you give these guys a listen. You can find them here:

Twitter: @bootlegrascal

It was a dream to be able to speak with Bootleg Rascal, and my fingers are crossed that this interview brings you pleasure. The guys are now on the road again with a bunch of tour dates in the next coming months.

- Stella Grace xxx


Images from: