The thought of this excites me beyond belief because high school is like an island that is only okay when the atmosphere is right, and I don't think about it too much. But the majority of the time we are all just trapped knowing that we can't escape until the boat is ready to come take us away into the real world. Thankfully, that boat is super close.
To tell the truth I am a little bit stressed about graduating. I've always had this really clear image in my head of what my life is going to be like, and it has just hit me that there is a good chance it might not turn out that way. A lot of people I have spoken to tell me that I'll be fine, and as long as I work hard it will all work in my favour. But I can't help but think that people are telling me this purely because they care about me, because they are my family and friends, therefore obligated to sugarcoat it all for my emotional benefit.
Stresses about the future and stresses about success are higher when graduating I guess, with every teacher telling us to get our life sorted and to know what we want to do (many scoffing at my hope of a career in online journalism, telling me that a blog is a risky, and unlikely future...) but I know for sure that these worries can impact people at many stages of life.
In my mind, Australian musician, Allday is succeeding. Currently in New York to meet with major record labels, he seems to have it all sorted. So I found it extremely interesting and beneficial when I was able to spend some online time with him to speak about his thoughts on the whole 'success' matter:
What’s your idea of success? Do you feel like you have succeeded? My idea of success is being the person you want to be, Setting goals and hitting them. I've hit a bunch of my targets, but I'm not at my overall career or personal goals yet. What’s your biggest fear? Probably myself; my own laziness, or fear, or whatever, taking over and leading me in the wrong direction. You manage to have such a good relationship with your audience/fans, is this important to you? Why? Hugely important. I really value the fact that people care enough to keep listening or coming to shows, and I really do my best to show that to them. I'm really lucky to have such a good relationship with my supporters and I feel like we have a little love connection. What’s the most important thing you have learnt since joining the music industry? I've learned so much, but the most important lesson I've learned is to be a perfectionist. Who do you admire? David Bowie and Bob Dylan, Those are two people who have reinvented themselves and maintained relevance and respect across every generation. Finally, tea or coffee? Coffee is my vice, but I do love green tea.
Although I wouldn't wish worries and stresses on other people, there is something comforting about being able to speak with someone I respect a lot, and know that they feel similar emotions to me. The things Allday said in the interview really resonated with me, knowing that even he, with all his current success, still had goals he wants to reach and worries of not reaching them. I guess all I'm trying to say is the classic 'you're not alone' shit, but even though it's clichéd and's true, we aren't alone.
Big big thanks to Allday for spending the time with me on this interview, and best of luck to him in the States.
- Stella xxx