I swear it was only about a month ago that I was writing up my nominations for 2013's hottest 100. To think that I found last year's choices difficult...this year was excruciating.
I find this stressful...do you pick your favourite song by the artist? Or do you pick their most popular song therefore increasing their chance of winning? Yeah...it's a difficult decision. This year my plan of attack was to simply pick my favourite song by each artist...songs that were important to me throughout this year pretty much.I spent a couple of hours with Will going through the nominations and by the time I had picked my favourite song by each of my favourite artists I had nominated 50 songs. Narrowing them down to my top 10 was almost impossible. I gave up 4 times. Then I had to go through the whole journey again as Will did his nominations. But we did it, and here they are for your pleasure at your leisure:
I actually found great sadness in narrowing down my long list of nominations to my top 10...because of this, I want to mention the artists that I really am hoping whole heartedly to see in the Hottest 100 despite not receiving my vote:
Saskwatch - Born To Break Your Heart
King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard - Hot Wax (luckily Will included this is his top 10)
Delta Riggs - Gooey (Like A Version)
Broods - Mother and Father
Childish Gambino featuring Chance The Rapper - The Worst Guys
Kasabian - Eez-Eh (Again, Will including this gem)
Every other Sticky Fingers song that was nominated...a part of my nearly wanted to nominate everyone of their songs, but I pushed through the temptation and picked my favourite.
So, if you haven't already, it's your turn! I've left the link below. Honestly, get yourself a drink...you'll need it, this is stressful and if you're like me it will cause you to make the biggest decisions you have all month.
- Stella xx
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