Sunday, 26 October 2014

Robbers - The 1975

I have recently began listening to The 1975 again. For some reason I get the vibe that listening to The 1975 is a little lame? Is it? I just really like them. I think they are really different from a lot of other music that's around. Plus they seem very honest in their writing and production - they aren't trying to be anyone else, nor are they hiding who they are. 

Anyway, I realise it came out a long while ago...actually, exactly 6 months ago today...but their film clip for Robbers might be my favourite film clip ever.
That's a bold statement but this film clip is so well done. Very completed.

This film clip intrigues me, I was going to say it's like a little movie but I don't think it is, it's like a snippet of a life. It's like reading someone's diary, or reading letters that you found in your grandmother's attic from 40 years ago.
For me at least, this film clip offers me something new each time I watch it. I have loved the song since the album came out, but the film clip was what really grabbed my attention.

I really appreciate that the whole situation in the film clip is not glamourised. The portrayal of the story remains realistic. Although it's definitely helped by the production, setting, music and directing of the clip, I think the acting had a major effect on the realistic portrayal. The girl in the clip expresses very fitting and relatable emotions through her gestures and expressions, which even though the majority of the audience will not have shared many similar experiences with the character, makes her relatable and intriguing to watch. The perfectly un-glamourised portrayal is also evident towards the end when they are shown throwing the money's hard to tell whether that even happened, or whether it was what they imagined happening when it all crumbled.

In an interview, lead singer Matthew Healy explained the inspiration behind the clip, saying that the song Robbers is a love song inspired originally from the film True Romance. True Romance tells the story of an Elvis obsessed loner who falls deeply in love with a prostitute. (Spoiler alert) In the film the couple kill her pimp, stealing his drugs and running away to California to start a new life. Upon interview, Matthew Healy told why he was inspired by the film: "It’s the sentiment behind the film that appeals to me, the hopelessly romantic notion that two people can meet and instantly fall in love, an escape story where love is the highest law and conquers all against the odds. Characters like Bonnie and Clyde always appealed to me as a teenager — couples so intoxicated with one another that they fear nothing in the pursuit of the realisation of each other, actions fuelled by blind unconditional love. Robbers is an ode to those relationships. The type of relationship all humans long for. All or nothing." (1975, 2014)

I haven't seen True Romance, but my love for this film clip and for how passionate Healy is about the inspiration makes me really want to. I love this film clip. I have nothing else to say other than I love it. I have watched it far too many times now, and after writing this, chances are I will watch it a couple more times.

- Stella xxx

1975, T. (2014). The 1975 – Robbers. [online] Genius. Available at: [Accessed 27 Oct. 2014].

Month of explanation.

Okay, so I have been really pissing myself off with the fact that I haven't written a blog post since the Allday interview. Which was an entire month ago. I really needed to keep that momentum going, and I just really didn't. The last month has really taken it out of me. 
I want to be personal with this blog, because that's what draws me to other blogs. But at the same time, I really don't want to seem to melodramatic. So I'll keep this fairly 'light' hey?

This time 1 month ago, I didn't suspect a thing, everything was normal, and I thought I was content, so the change of the last month has been a really bizarre one for me to wrap my head around. My life has subtly, but surely changed entirely.

I came out of a really serious relationship, which I guess was the main factor into everything spiralling out of control. I had holidays so I was able to distract myself, and focus a lot more on other things, including this blog (organising exciting - for me at least - things coming soon), but then I had to return to school. It's our last term ever, so I guess everyone is a bit antsy and bitchy. Going back to school was difficult mainly because it was a quick snap back to reality...I couldn't hide myself from my emotions like I had over holidays because I had to face certain people everyday.

I don't like to mention this because I find it a little bit tedious how much it's spoken about (don't get me wrong, it's a serious issue, but I feel like my suffering of it is hardly anything compared to what other people deal with, so I shouldn't complain...) but I think it might be stress induced anxiety. I get really really tense. And usually I can relieve this tension by just taking some time out, writing, listening to music, anything. But last week it all got a bit too tense and was fairly overwhelming, and I just felt very very very lonely because of it. And unfortunately, I didn't put my emotions or energy into writing when I really should have been.

It was a really shit period of time. But things started looking up, the whole situation really opened my eyes to who and what was really important in my life, and I managed to come across new people, new experiences and new distractions. Although I do realise I am repressing my emotions a little bit, I think moving forward is the best thing for me to do for myself. I have to put myself first for a little while, and this is how I'm doing it.

I contemplated not putting this up, because it is pretty lame. But I don't think it is reasonable for me to disappear from this blog for a month without an explanation. 

So enough of this bullshit, I'm going to start writing. 

- Stella xxx